

Poniatowski (plural: Poniatowscy) is the surname of a Polish szlachta (nobility) family. Because Polish adjectives have different forms for the genders, Poniatowska is the same name for a female family member.


The Poniatowski family became most prominent in the 18th century and 19th century. The first information about the family dates back to the end of the 15th century, when they appeared in Poniatowa, 40 km west from Lublin in about 1446. Their family name derives from that place name. Poniatowa was the residence of several branches of the Poniatowski family: Tłuk, Jarasz and Ciołek. On September 7, 1764, at Wola, Stanisław Poniatowski was elected as King of Poland. In the same year the Coronation Sejm awarded the Poniatowski family the title of Prince of Poland.Nowadays, there are still Poniatowskis living in Poland, the United States, and many other countries in the world.


Among most known members are:
* Stanisław Poniatowski (1676-1762), Podstoli, Treasurer, General, Regimentarz
* Kazimierz Poniatowski (1721-1800), General, Great Podkomorzy
* Ludwika Maria Poniatowska (1728-1781), was married to Jan Jakub Zamoyski
* Izabella Poniatowska (1730-1801), was married to Jan Klemens Branicki
* Stanisław August Poniatowski (1732-1798), King of Poland
* Andrzej Poniatowski (1735-1773), General, Marshal of Austria
* Michał Jerzy Poniatowski (1736-1794), Primate of Poland
* Konstancja Poniatowska (1759-1830), was married to Ludwik Tyszkiewicz
* Józef Antoni Poniatowski (1763-1813), General, Marshal of France
* Stanisław Poniatowski (1754-1833), Duke, Grand Treasurer
* Michel Poniatowski (1922 - 2002), French politician
* Elena Poniatowska (1932-), Mexican journalist, author and professor.
* Prince Philippe Poniatowski (1923), viticulturist, owns Clos Baudoin in Vouvray

Coat of arms and motto

The Poniatowski family used the "Ciołek" arms and their motto was:

ee also

* Thursday dinners
* [http://www.sejm-wielki.pl/b.php?o=7.8.83 Stanisław August Antoni Poniatowski h. Ciołek]

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