Miscellaneous Symbols

Miscellaneous Symbols

The Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode block (2600–26FF) contains various glyphs representing things from a variety of categories: Astrological, Astronomical, Chess, Dice, Ideological symbols, Musical notation, Political symbols, Recycling, Religious symbols, Trigrams, Warning signs and Weather.



Note: These tables may not display properly if your computer does not implement Unicode and have the proper fonts installed. Also, some browsers may not display certain symbols properly at all even if your computer has the required implemented Unicode and fonts.


Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode block
Official Name Glyph Unicode # HTML Common meaning
Black sun with rays U+2600 ☀ Clear weather
Cloud U+2601 ☁ Cloud, cloudy weather
Umbrella U+2602 ☂ Umbrella, rainy weather
Snowman U+2603 ☃ Snowman, snowy weather
Comet U+2604 ☄
Black star U+2605 ★
Star U+2606 ☆
Lightning U+2607 ☇ Lightning
Thunderstorm U+2608 ☈ Thunderstorm
Sun U+2609 ☉ Sun, gold
Ascending node U+260A ☊
Descending node U+260B ☋
Conjunction U+260C ☌ Open Circuit
Opposition U+260D ☍ Closed Circuit
Black telephone U+260E ☎
White telephone U+260F ☏
Ballot box U+2610 ☐
Ballot box with check U+2611 ☑
Ballot box with X U+2612 ☒
Saltire U+2613 ☓
Umbrella with raindrops U+2614 ☔ showery weather
Hot beverage U+2615 ☕ Tea, coffee
White Shogi piece U+2616 ☖
Black Shogi piece U+2617 ☗
Shamrock U+2618 ☘
Reversed rotated floral heart bullet U+2619 ☙ Binding signature mark
Black left pointing index U+261A ☚
Black right pointing index U+261B ☛
White left pointing index U+261C ☜
White up pointing index U+261D ☝
White right pointing index U+261E ☞
White down pointing index U+261F ☟
Skull and crossbones U+2620 ☠ Poison
Caution sign U+2621 ☡
Radioactive sign U+2622 ☢
Biohazard sign U+2623 ☣
Caduceus U+2624 ☤
Ankh U+2625 ☥
Russian cross U+2626 ☦ Patriarchal cross
Chi Rho U+2627 ☧ Labarum
Cross of Lorraine U+2628 ☨ Patriarchal cross
Cross of Jerusalem U+2629 ☩
Star and crescent U+262A ☪ Islam
Farsi symbol U+262B ☫ Coat of arms of Iran
Adi shakti U+262C ☬ Khanda
Hammer and sickle U+262D ☭ Communism
Peace symbol U+262E ☮
Yin and yang U+262F ☯ Taoism, Balance
Trigram for Heaven U+2630 ☰
Trigram for Lake U+2631 ☱
Trigram for Fire U+2632 ☲
Trigram for Thunder U+2633 ☳
Trigram for Wind U+2634 ☴
Trigram for Water U+2635 ☵
Trigram for Mountain U+2636 ☶
Trigram for Earth U+2637 ☷
Wheel of Dharma U+2638 ☸
White frowning face U+2639 ☹
White smiling face U+263A ☺
Black smiling face U+263B ☻
White sun with rays U+263C ☼ Compass
First quarter Moon U+263D ☽ Silver
Last quarter Moon U+263E ☾
Mercury U+263F ☿ Mercury (planet), Mercury (element)
Female sign U+2640 ♀ Venus (astrology), Venus (planet), copper, feminism
Earth U+2641 ♁ Antimony
Male sign U+2642 ♂ Mars (astrology), Mars (planet), iron
Jupiter U+2643 ♃ Jupiter (planet), Tin
Saturn U+2644 ♄ Saturn (planet), Lead
Uranus U+2645 ♅ For the astronomical symbol see U+26E2
Neptune U+2646 ♆ Neptune (planet)
Pluto U+2647 ♇ Pluto
Aries U+2648 ♈ Aries (constellation)
Taurus U+2649 ♉ Taurus (constellation)
Gemini U+264A ♊ Gemini (constellation)
Cancer U+264B ♋ Cancer (constellation)
Leo U+264C ♌ Leo (constellation)
Virgo U+264D ♍ Virgo (constellation)
Libra U+264E ♎ Libra (constellation)
Scorpius U+264F ♏ Scorpius (constellation), minim
Sagittarius U+2650 ♐ Sagittarius (constellation)
Capricorn U+2651 ♑ Capricornus (constellation)
Aquarius U+2652 ♒ Aquarius (constellation)
Pisces U+2653 ♓ Pisces (constellation)
White chess king U+2654 ♔
White chess queen U+2655 ♕
White chess rook U+2656 ♖
White chess bishop U+2657 ♗
White chess knight U+2658 ♘
White chess pawn U+2659 ♙
Black chess king U+265A ♚
Black chess queen U+265B ♛
Black chess rook U+265C ♜
Black chess bishop U+265D ♝
Black chess knight U+265E ♞
Black chess pawn U+265F ♟
Black spade suit U+2660 ♠
White heart suit U+2661 ♡
White diamond suit U+2662 ♢
Black club suit U+2663 ♣
White spade suit U+2664 ♤
Black heart suit U+2665 ♥
Black diamond suit U+2666 ♦
White club suit U+2667 ♧
Hot spring U+2668 ♨ Onsen
Quarter note U+2669 ♩ crotchet
Eighth note U+266A ♪ quaver
Beamed Eighth notes U+266B ♫ linked quavers
Beamed Sixteenth notes U+266C ♬ linked semi-quavers
Music flat sign U+266D ♭
Music natural sign U+266E ♮
Music sharp sign U+266F ♯
West syriac cross U+2670 ♰
East syriac cross U+2671 ♱
Universal recycling symbol U+2672 ♲
Recycling symbol for type-1 plastics U+2673 ♳
Recycling symbol for type-2 plastics U+2674 ♴
Recycling symbol for type-3 plastics U+2675 ♵
Recycling symbol for type-4 plastics U+2676 ♶
Recycling symbol for type-5 plastics U+2677 ♷
Recycling symbol for type-6 plastics U+2678 ♸
Recycling symbol for type-7 plastics U+2679 ♹
Recycling symbol for generic materials U+267A ♺
Black universal recycling symbol U+267B ♻
Recycled paper symbol U+267C ♼
Partially-recycled paper symbol U+267D ♽
Permanent paper sign U+267E ♾
Wheelchair symbol U+267F ♿
Die face-1 U+2680 ⚀
Die face-2 U+2681 ⚁
Die face-3 U+2682 ⚂
Die face-4 U+2683 ⚃
Die face-5 U+2684 ⚄
Die face-6 U+2685 ⚅
White circle with dot right U+2686 ⚆
White circle with two dots U+2687 ⚇
Black circle with white dot right U+2688 ⚈
Black circle with two white dots U+2689 ⚉
Monogram for yang U+268A ⚊
Monogram for yin U+268B ⚋
Digram for greater yang U+268C ⚌
Digram for lesser yin U+268D ⚍
Digram for lesser yang U+268E ⚎
Digram for greater yin U+268F ⚏
White flag U+2690 ⚐
Black flag U+2691 ⚑
Hammer and pick U+2692 ⚒ Mining, working day
Anchor U+2693 ⚓ Nautical term, harbor
Crossed swords U+2694 ⚔ Military term, battleground, killed in action
Rod of Asclepius U+2695 ⚕ Medical term
Weighing scales U+2696 ⚖ Legal term, jurisprudence
Alembic U+2697 ⚗ Chemical term, chemistry
Flower U+2698 ⚘ Botanical term
Gear U+2699 ⚙ Technology, tools
Staff of Hermes U+269A ⚚ Commercial term, commerce
Atom symbol U+269B ⚛ Nuclear installation
Fleur-de-lis U+269C ⚜ France, The Trinity, Scouting
Outlined white star U+269D ⚝ Coat of arms of Morocco
Three lines converging right U+269E ⚞ Someone speaking closed captioning symbol. From ARIB STD B24.
Three lines converging left U+269F ⚞ Background speaking closed captioning symbol. From ARIB STD B24.
Warning sign U+26A0 ⚠
High voltage sign U+26A1 ⚡
Doubled female sign U+26A2 ⚢ Lesbianism
Doubled male sign U+26A3 ⚣ Male homosexuality
Interlocked male and female sign U+26A4 ⚤ Heterosexuality, bisexuality
Male and female sign U+26A5 ⚥ Transgender, hermaphrodite (in entomology)
Male with stroke sign U+26A6 ⚦ Transgender
Male with stroke and male and female sign U+26A7 ⚧ Transgender
Vertical male with stroke sign U+26A8 ⚨ Iron (II) sulfate
Horizontal male with stroke sign U+26A9 ⚩ Magnesium
Medium white circle U+26AA ⚪ Asexuality, sexless, genderless, engaged, betrothed
Medium black circle U+26AB ⚫ Symbol for record function
Medium small white circle U+26AC ⚬ Engaged, betrothed
Marriage symbol U+26AD ⚭
Divorce symbol U+26AE ⚮
Unmarried partnership symbol U+26AF ⚯
Coffin U+26B0 ⚰ Buried (genealogy)
Funeral urn U+26B1 ⚱ Cremated (genealogy)
Neuter U+26B2 ⚲
Ceres U+26B3 ⚳ Ceres (dwarf planet)
Pallas U+26B4 ⚴ 2 Pallas
Juno U+26B5 ⚵ 3 Juno
Vesta U+26B6 ⚶ 4 Vesta
Chiron U+26B7 ⚷ 2060 Chiron
Black Moon Lilith U+26B8 ⚸
Sextile U+26B9 ⚹ Sal ammoniac
Semisextile U+26BA ⚺
Quincunx U+26BB ⚻
Sesquiquadrate U+26BC ⚼
Soccer ball U+26BD ⚽
Baseball U+26BE ⚾
Squared key U+26BF ⚿ Parental lock. From ARIB STD B24.
White draughts man U+26C0 ⛀
White draughts king U+26C1 ⛁
Black draughts man U+26C2 ⛂
Black draughts king U+26C3 ⛃
Snowman without snow U+26C4 ⛄ Light snow. From ARIB STD B24.
Sun behind cloud U+26C5 ⛅ Partly cloudy. From ARIB STD B24.
Rain U+26C6 ⛆ Rainy weather. From ARIB STD B24.
Black snowman U+26C7 ⛇ Heavy snow. From ARIB STD B24.
Thunder cloud and rain U+26C8 ⛈ Thunderstorm. From ARIB STD B24.
Turned white shogi piece U+26C9 ⛉ From ARIB STD B24.
Turned black shogi piece U+26CA ⛊ From ARIB STD B24.
White diamond in square U+26CB ⛋ From ARIB STD B24.
Crossing lanes U+26CC ⛌ Accident. From ARIB STD B24.
Disabled car U+26CD ⛍ From ARIB STD B24.
Ophiuchus U+26CE ⛎ Ophiuchus (astrology), new in Unicode 6.
Pick U+26CF ⛏ Under construction. From ARIB STD B24.
Car sliding U+26D0 ⛐ Icy road. From ARIB STD B24.
Helmet with white cross U+26D1 ⛑ Maintenance. From ARIB STD B24.
Circled crossing lanes U+26D2 ⛒ Road closed. From ARIB STD B24.
Chains U+26D3 ⛓ Tyre chains required. From ARIB STD B24.
No entry U+26D4 ⛔ From ARIB STD B24.
Alternate one-way left way traffic U+26D5 ⛕ From ARIB STD B24.
Black two-way left way traffic U+26D6 ⛖ From ARIB STD B24.
White two-way left way traffic U+26D7 ⛗ From ARIB STD B24.
Black left lane merge U+26D8 ⛘ From ARIB STD B24.
White left lane merge U+26D9 ⛙ From ARIB STD B24.
Drive slow sign U+26DA ⛚ From ARIB STD B24.
Heavy white down-pointing triangle U+26DB ⛛ Drive slow. From ARIB STD B24.
Left closed entry U+26DC ⛜ From ARIB STD B24.
Squared saltire U+26DD ⛝ Closed entry. From ARIB STD B24.
Falling diagonal in white circle in black square U+26DE ⛞ Closed to large vehicles. From ARIB STD B24.
Black truck U+26DF ⛟ Closed to large vehicles, alternate. From ARIB STD B24.
Restricted left entry-1 U+26E0 ⛠ From ARIB STD B24.
Restricted left entry-2 U+26E1 ⛡ From ARIB STD B24.
Astronomical symbol for Uranus U+26E2 ⛢ New in Unicode 6.
Heavy circle with stroke and two dots above U+26E3 ⛣ Public office. From ARIB STD B24.
Pentagram U+26E4 ⛤ New in Unicode 6
Right-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E5 ⛥ New in Unicode 6
Left-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E6 ⛦ New in Unicode 6
Inverted pentagram U+26E7 ⛧ New in Unicode 6
Black cross on shield U+26E8 ⛨ Hospital. From ARIB STD B24.
Shinto shrine U+26E9 ⛩ Torii. From ARIB STD B24.
Church U+26EA ⛪ From ARIB STD B24.
Castle U+26EB ⛫ From ARIB STD B24.
Historic site U+26EC ⛬ From ARIB STD B24.
Gear without hub U+26ED ⛭ Factory. From ARIB STD B24.
Gear with handles U+26EE ⛮ Power plant, power substation. From ARIB STD B24.
Map symbol for lighthouse U+26EF ⛯ From ARIB STD B24.
Mountain U+26F0 ⛰ From ARIB STD B24.
Umbrella on ground U+26F1 ⛱ Bathing beach. From ARIB STD B24.
Fountain U+26F2 ⛲ Park. From ARIB STD B24.
Flag in hole U+26F3 ⛳ Golf course. From ARIB STD B24.
Ferry U+26F4 ⛴ Ferry boat terminal. From ARIB STD B24.
Sailboat U+26F5 ⛵ Marina or yacht harbour. From ARIB STD B24.
Square four corners U+26F6 ⛶ Intersection. From ARIB STD B24.
Skier U+26F7 ⛷ Ski resort. From ARIB STD B24.
Ice skate U+26F8 ⛸ Ice skating rink. From ARIB STD B24.
Person with ball U+26F9 ⛹ Track and field, gymnasium. From ARIB STD B24.
Tent U+26FA ⛺ Camping site. From ARIB STD B24.
Japanese bank symbol U+26FB ⛻ From ARIB STD B24.
Headstone graveyard symbol U+26FC ⛼ Graveyard, memorial park, cemetery. From ARIB STD B24.
Fuel pump U+26FD ⛽ Petrol station, gas station. From ARIB STD B24.
Cup on black square U+26FE ⛾ Drive-in restaurant. From ARIB STD B24.
White flag with horizontal middle black stripe U+26FF ⛿ Japanese self-defence force site. From ARIB STD B24.


Miscellaneous Symbols[1]
Unicode.org chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 6.0

See also

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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