Holy Week in Seville

Holy Week in Seville

Holy Week in Seville ("Semana Santa en Sevilla") is one of the most important traditional events of the city. It is celebrated in the week leading up to Easter, one to two weeks before the city's other great celebration, the Feria, and is amongst the largest religious events within Spain, internationally renowned for its drama. The week features the procession of "pasos", floats of lifelike wooden sculptures of individual scenes of the events of the Passion, or images of the Virgin Mary showing restrained grief for the torture and killing of her son. Some of the sculptures are of great antiquity and are considered artistic masterpieces.

During Holy Week, the city is crowded with residents and visitors, drawn by the spectacle and atmosphere. The impact is particularly strong for the Catholic community.

The processions are organised by "hermandades" and "cofradías", religious brotherhoods. During the processions, members precede the "pasos" (of which there are up to three in each procession) dressed in penitential robes, and, with few exceptions, hoods. They may also be accompanied by brass bands.

The processions work along the shortest route from the home churches and chapels to the Cathedral, usually via a central viewing area and back. The processions from the suburban "barrios" may take 14 hours to return to their home churches.

As of 2007, a total of 59 processions are scheduled for the week, from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday morning. The climax of the week is the night of Maundy Thursday, when the most popular processions set out to arrive at the Cathedral on the dawn of Good Friday, known as the "madrugá".

The Brotherhoods

At the heart of "Semana Santa" are the brotherhoods ("Hermandades y Cofradias de Penitencia"), [There were subtle canonical differences between a "hermandad" and a "cofradia", but these have become obsolete] associations of Catholic laypersons organised for the purpose of performing public acts of religious observance; in this case, related to the Passion and death of Jesus Christ and to perform public penance.

The brotherhoods, besides the day-to-day work in preparation for the processions, also undertake many other self-regulated religious activities, and charitable and community work. Many brotherhoods maintain their own chapel, while others are attached to a regular parish.

Membership is open to any baptised person, although internal rules may limit who can participate in a procession (e.g. women are still not allowed to process in some brotherhoods) [Even against the express wish of Seville's Archbishop Cardinal Amigo] . Currently, membership of one (or more) brotherhoods is usually a matter of family tradition, neighbourhood or personal taste.

There is a Supreme Council of Brotherhoods ("Consejo Superior de Hermandades y Cofradías"), whose members are chosen every four years by the elders ("Hermanos Mayores") of the different brotherhoods. This council is in charge of organisation and agreements with local authorities on the official itinerary. It acts also as the link with the canonical authority (the Archbishop) and between brotherhoods.

The earliest known brotherhood ("Primitiva Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno", known as "El Silencio" - The Silence); was founded in the mid 14th century. Since then, many have formed, merged or disappeared. In 2008, 59 brotherhoods will make the stations of penance to the Cathedral during Holy Week, while 9 others will process on the preceding Friday and Saturday without entering the Cathedral (the so-called "Hermandades de Visperas") [ [http://www.hermandades-de-sevilla.org/marco1.htm Consejo General de Hermandades y Cofradías de Sevilla ] ] .

In addition to these brotherhoods there are over 50 other independent non-penitential Catholic brotherhoods in the city of Seville (such as the various brotherhoods of the "El Rocio" pilgrimage).

The Processions

The marching order

The core events in "Semana Santa" are the processions of the brotherhoods, known as "estación de penitencia" (stations of penance), from their home church or chapel to the Cathedral of Seville and back. The last part before arriving to the Cathedral is common to most brotherhoods and is called the "Carrera Oficial".

The standard structure of a procession is:
* A great cross (the so-called "Cruz de Guía" - Guiding Cross) is carried at the beginning of each procession. It marks the way.
* A number of people (sometimes barefoot) dressed in a habit and with the distinctive pointed hood ("capirote"), and holding long wax candles (only lit by night), marching in silence. These are the "nazarenos". Colours, forms and details of the habit are distinctive for each brotherhood - and sometimes for different locations within the procession. Usually the "nazarenos" march in pairs, and are grouped behind insignia. Moving between the lines are "diputados de tramo", guardians who keep the formations organised.
* A group of acolytes and servants, dressed in vestments, with chandeliers and incense.
* The "Paso".
* When applicable, the musical group follows.
* A number of "penitentes", carrying wooden crosses, making public penance. They wear the habit and the hood of the brotherhood, but the hood is not pointed.

This structure repeats itself depending of the number of "pasos" (up to three). Usually the last "paso" is not followed by "penitentes". Although this is the standard structure, depending on the traditions of each brotherhood, details (and even the plan) may vary.

A procession can be made up from a few hundred to 2,500 "nazarenos" and last anywhere from 4 to 14 hours, depending how far the home church is from the Cathedral. This largest processions can take over an hour and a half to pass one location.

The "paso"

At the center of each procession are the "pasos", an image or set of images set atop a movable float of wood. If a brotherhood has three "pasos", the first one is a sculpted scene of the Passion, or an allegorical scene, known as a "misterio" (mystery); the second is an image of Christ; and the third an image of the suffering Blessed Virgin Mary, known as a "dolorosa".

The structure of the "paso" is richly carved and decorated with fabric, flowers and candles. Many of the structures carrying the image of Christ are gilded, and those carrying the image of the virgin often silver-plated. As of 2007, all but one of the "dolorosas" are covered by an ornate canopy or baldachin ("palio") attached to the structure.

The sculptures themselves are carved and painted, and often lifesize or larger. The oldest surviving were carved in the 16th century, though new images continue to be added. Those highly regarded artistically include the "Jesus del Gran Poder" and "Cristo de la Buena Muerte" by Juan de Mesa, Francisco Antonio Ruíz Gijón's "Cristo de la Expiración" (known as "El Cachorro") and the two virgins named "Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza" from Macarena and Triana. All of the principal images of the "Semana Santa" are on display for veneration in their home churches all year round.A distinctive feature of Semana Santa in Seville is the style of marching of the "pasos". A team of men, the "costaleros" (literally "sack men", for their distinctive - and functional - headdress), supporting the beams upon their shoulders and necks, lift, move and lower the "paso". As they are all inside the structure and hidden from the external view by a curtain, the "paso" seems to move by itself. On the outside an overseer ("capataz"), guides the team by voice, and/or through a ceremonial hammer "el llamador" (caller) attached to the "paso".

Depending on weight (most weigh over a metric tonne), a "paso" requires between 24 and 54 "costaleros" to move. Each brotherhood has a distinctive way to raise and move a "paso", and even each "paso" within the procession. Up to 1973, dock workers were hired as "costaleros". From that year onwards, that task has been progressively (and almost universally) taken over by the members of the brotherhoods which organise each procession.

The music

Musical accompaniment varies with the character of the brotherhood. Some processions are silent, with no musical accompaniment, some have a cappella choirs or wind quartets, but many (and especially those historically associated with poorer neighbourhoods) feature a drum and trumpet band behind the image of Christ and a brass band behind the virgin playing religious hymns or "marchas" from a standard repertoire. Those associated with the images of Christ are often funereal in nature, whilst those associated with the Virgin are more celebratory.

As each procession leaves its home church, (an event known as the "salida"), at its return (the "entrada"), and along the march route, improvised flamenco-style songs may be offered by individuals in the crowd or from a balcony. These songs are generically called "saetas" (arrows).

The crowd

The processions attract a huge following throughout the city.

With a few exceptions ("Santa Marta","El Silencio"), where the whole procession is traditionally watched in silence, the crowd behaves normally while "nazarenos" are marching, but turns to respectful silence when the images pass. Depending on the character of the brotherhood, the lowering or raising of the images can be followed by applause form the spectators, rewarding the work of the "costaleros". If "saetas" are sung, these are traditionally seen as prayers and are not generally applauded. Exceptionally, on the appearance of one of the "Esperanzas", it is still common to hear cheers and shouts from the crowd.

A common sight during "Semana Santa" is small children begging for candy, a stamp or wax (with which they form balls) from the "nazarenos".

La Carrera Oficial (The Official Path)

Many of the processions pass through an official viewing area which occupies some of the city's main streets, beginning in "Campana", followed by "Calle Sierpes", "Plaza San Francisco", and "Avenida de la Constitución", before reaching the Cathedral. Due to the increasingly crowded schedule over the week, the more recently formed brotherhoods do not always follow this route.

Traditional Dress

The traditional suit worn by women on Maundy Thursday (and sometimes on Good Friday) is known as "La Mantilla" (the mantle). This custom has become revitalised since the 1980s. The outfit consists of the lace mantle, stiffened by shell or another material, and a black dress, usually long, with black shoes. Jewellery often features, and may include rosaries, bracelets and earrings.

The traditional accompanying male dress is a dark suit, black necktie and shoes.

The Days of Holy Week

Below is a list of the brotherhoods which make penance each day, as of 2008, with the traditional year of establishment ( or first procession to the Cathedral), and a few notes. The names in the list are those in common usage.

Palm Sunday

* "La Borriquita " ("The Donkey"). The body of "nazarenos" is exclusively formed by children (except guardians and "costaleros").

* "Jesús Despojado" ("Stripped Jesus"). 1936.

* "La Paz" ("Peace"). 1939.

* "La Cena" ("The Last Supper"). 1591.

* "La Hiniesta" ("The Broom"). 1879.

* "San Roque". 1901.

* "La Estrella" ("The Star"). 1560. Also known as the "Valiente" (Brave), since it was the only brotherhood which processed in 1932.

* "La Amargura" ("The Bitterness"). Late 17th century. The virgin of the "Amargura" was the first "Dolorosa" to be crowned, in 1954.

* "El Amor" ("The Love"). 1508.

Monday of Holy Week

* "Cautivo del Poligono" ("Captive"). 2008

* "El Beso de Judas" ("Judas' Kiss"). 1959.

* "Santa Genoveva". 1958. This brotherhood's image of the captive Christ is usually escorted by a sizable number of street-dressed women undertaking private penance.

* "Santa Marta". 1946. As of 2007, the only brotherhood whose "costaleros" are still "de jure" paid for the task.

* "San Gonzalo". 1942.

* "Vera-Cruz" ("True Cross"). Founded originally in 1448 and revived in the early 20th century.

* "Las Penas de San Vicente" ("The Sorrows, San Vicente"). 1875.

* "Las Aguas" ("The Waters"). 1750.

* "El Museo". 1575.

Tuesday of Holy Week

* "El Cerro". 1989. As of 2007, it is the brotherhood travelling furthest to make station; the procession lasts some 14 hours.

* "Los Javieres". 1946.

* "San Esteban". 1926.

* "Los Estudiantes" ("The Students"). 1924. The image of "Cristo de la Buena Muerte" (1620) is considered the masterwork of Juan de Mesa.

* "San Benito". Founded by shipbuilders in Triana in the 16th century.

* "La Candelaria" ("Candlemas"). 1922.

* "El Dulce Nombre" ("The Sweet Name"). 1584. It is known popularly as "the Bofetá" ("slap in the face") because its current "paso" represents the moment when, after Jesus has been detained, he is slapped in the face by a servant.

* "Santa Cruz" ("Holy Cross"). 1904.

Wednesday of Holy Week

* "Carmen Doloroso" ("The Suffering Virgin of the Carmen"). 2007.

* "La Sed" ("The Thirst"). 1979.

* "San Bernardo". 1748.

* "El Buen Fin" ("The Good End"). 1590.

* "La Lanzada" ("The Spearthrow"). 1591.

* "El Baratillo". 1693.

* "Cristo de Burgos" ("Christ of Burgos").

* "Las Siete Palabras" ("The Seven Words"). 1561.

* "Los Panaderos" ("The Bakers"). 18th century.

Maundy Thursday

* "Los Negritos" ("The Blacks"). Prior to 1400. Up to the mid 19th century, only black people (both free and slave) could be full members.

* "La Exaltación" ("The Exaltation"). 16th century. Nicknamed "los caballos" ("the horses").

* "Las Cigarreras" ("The Cigarmaking Girls"). 1563.

* "Monte-Sión" ("Mount Zion"). 1560.

* "Quinta Angustia" ("Fifth Anguish"). 1541.

* "El Valle" ("The Valley"). 1590.

* "Pasión" ("Passion"). 1531. The image of Jesus is a masterpiece of Martinez Montañes.

Good Friday (Early Hours) "La Madrugá"

Starting a little while after midnight into Good Friday, and lasting sometimes until midday, the "Madrugá" ("dawn") is the high point of the processions in Seville.

* "El Silencio" ("Silence"). 1340. Considered the oldest existing brotherhood. The whole procession is followed by the watching crowd in silence.

* "Jesús del Gran Poder" ("Jesus of Great Power"). 1431. The image of the Lord is one of the most venerated in Seville and elsewhere.

* "La Macarena)" ("Our Lady of Hope (Macarena)"). 1595. The most popular image of the virgin in Seville. Her presence arouses passion in the watching crowds

* "El Calvario" ("Calvary"). 1571. The smallest and shortest procession of the night.

* "La Esperanza (Triana)" ("Our Lady of Hope (Triana)"). 1418. The virgin of Triana has a passionate following in Triana and elsewhere.

* "Los Gitanos" ("The Gypsies"). 1753. Even now, the "hermano mayor"(principal of the brotherhood) must be a gypsy.

Good Friday

* "La Carretería" ("The Cartwright's Shop"). 1550.

* "Soledad de San Buenaventura" ("Solitude, San Buenaventura"). 1847.

* "El Cachorro" ("The Puppy"). 1689. The image of the crucified Christ, made in 1682 by Ruiz Gijón, is a masterpiece

* "La O" 1566. Was the first brotherhood of Triana to process across the river to Seville, on 9 April 1830.

* "Tres caídas de San Isidoro" ("Three Falls, San Isidoro"). 1605.

* "Montserrat" 1601.

* "Sagrada Mortaja" ("Sacred Shroud"). 1692.

Holy Saturday

* "Los Servitas". 1696.

* "La Trinidad" ("The Trinity"). 1507.

* "Santo Entierro" ("Holy Burial"). c. 1570. With representatives of public authorities, civic bodies and legations from most other brotherhoods.

* "La Soledad de San Lorenzo" ("The Solitude, San Lorenzo"). 16th century.

Easter Sunday

* "El Resucitado" ("The Resurrected"). 1969.


*Almela Vinet, Francisco (2003). "Historia de la Semana Santa en Sevilla : descripción de las cofradías que hacen estación durante la misma a la Santa Iglesia Catedral (1899)". Ediciones Espuela de Plata (Editorial Renacimiento). ISBN 84-96133-04-4
*Carrero Rodríguez, Juan (1981). "Gran Diccionario de la Semana Santa". Editorial Almuzara. ISBN 84-885-8631-0
*Martínez Kleiser, Luis (2003). "La Semana Santa de Sevilla (1924)". Ediciones Espuela de Plata (Editorial Renacimiento). ISBN 84-96133-05-2
*Sánchez Herrero, José. "La Semana Santa de Sevilla". Editorial Sílex. ISBN 84-7737-120-2
*W. AA. (2003). "Recuerda Semana Santa de Sevilla". Editorial Everest S.A. ISBN 84-241-0071-9
*Antonio M. Rueda. Spanish Language and Literature Professor in the University of Chicago (USA).

See also



External links

* [http://www.conocersevilla.org/fiestas/semanasanta/holy/index.html A quite deep introduction to the tradition.
* [http://www.fotoscofrades.blogspot.com/ Photos, Postal, etc. of the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Seville]
* [http://www.semana-santa.org/ Info about Holy Week in Seville.]
* [http://www.guiasemanasanta.com/Information Portal on Holy Week in Seville and elsewhere in Andalucia. With English text
* [http://www.semana-santa-sevilla.com/ Holy Week in Seville.] - History and guides with videos and photographs of Holy Week in Seville.
* [http://www.flickr.com/gp/18623248@N00/S7PK2j Photos of Holy Week in Seville.]
* [http://www.artesacro.org/ Information on and around Holy Week in Seville.]
* [http://www.pasionensevilla.tv/ Streaming Live Videos -while on the Holy Week- and video snippet repository]
* [http://semanasanta.destinosevilla.com Information on Holy Week in Seville.]
* [http://www.antonioburgos.com/antologia/semana_santa/aindicessta.html Articles about it from one of the most well-known columnist in Spain (Antonio Burgos)]
* [http://www.sevillaclick.com/sevilla/009fiestas/009semanasanta/009cofrad%EDas.htm Information on Easter 2007 in Seville.]
* [http://www.hermandades-de-sevilla.org/hermandades/hermandades.htm Brotherhoods of Seville.]
* [http://www.hermandades-de-sevilla.org/Normas_Diocesanas_Hdades_y_Cofradias.pdf General regulations regarding brotherhoods in the Archdiocese of Seville.]

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