Islam and masturbation

Islam and masturbation

:"This is a sub-article of Sexuality in Islam and masturbation.


Istimna (استمناء) is the Arabic term for masturbation. Some believe that masturbation may possibly only be done in fear of committing adultery, nor is it preferred (either getting married and fasting is suggested as alternatives from hadith). It is totally forbidden in the Shi'a sect [ Marriage and Morals in Islam ] ] , but the four Sunni schools of jurisprudence (known as Madhaahib - the "Hanafi", "Shafi'i", "Maliki" and "Hambali" schools of "Fiqh") have differing stances on the issue. Some consider it forbidden in all cases. Some see it forbidden in certain cases but permissible in others [ [ The Islaamic Ruling on Masturbation] by Shaykh Muhammad bin Ameen] . Another view Who|date=July 2007 is that it is Makruh but not expressly forbidden. Scholars of Islam do not approve of masturbation, except in extenuating circumstances. There is a statement in Quran "And those who guard their chastity, Except in the case of their wives or those whom their right hands possess,- for then, they are free from blame; But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are transgressors." As the above ayah shows,masturbation is not allowed in Islam. Many scholars are of the opinion that if it was allowed, it would have been explicitly mentioned in the above ayah. As it has not been mentioned, it is taken to be completely forbidden.

In Islam, sexual engagement outside of marriage (and outside of those whom the right-hand possesses) is a major sin, which cause the doer to be punished in this life and the Qiyama. Yet if one's desire is so overwhelming one might perform a greater wrong by having sex outside marriage, masturbation becomes permissible as a necessity but in that case it will be like eating the flesh of pig when no other food is available. So Quran says "And those who are not married should try to live in chastity, until God enriches them with His Grace" (Qur'an, 24:33)


At least one Islamic legal tradition forbids masturbation on the authority of an Ayah of the Holy Quran which indicates that those who seek sexual gratification from other than their legal sexual partners are transgressing set limits. This is interpreted to refer not only to adultery but to masturbation as well.

Interpretations of this saying have stated that were masturbation permissible, Muhammad would have named this as a remedy for sexual frustration rather than the more difficult act of fasting, as Islamic traditions have taken seriously the belief that hardship is not sought for believers.

Those of the view that it is Haram:
*Malik ibn Anas [ Is mastrubation is haram in Islam? What are the things to control this act ] ]
*Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`i
*Abu Hanifa an-Nu‘man
*Ibn Kathir

Some have quoted one (1) narration from Ahmad ibn Hanbal

On the question "What does Islam say about masturbation? If a man is doing this what type of punishment will he deserve and how can he do get Tawbah?":cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|He has committed a forbidden act. Repentance would be sufficient for forgiveness.

And on the question "When I am unable to do Mut’ah (temporary marriage), am I allowed to masturbate?":cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|Masturbation is not permissible under any circumstances.


PresentScholar|Ibn Kathir|14th|Sunni that Imaam Shaafi'i and those who have agreed with him have concluded that masturbation is Haram from the above verse. He says ::"Masturbation is excluded from these two types which Allah has made Halaal, viz. wives and slave-girls.

PresentScholar|Al-Qurtubi|13th|Sunni in the exegis of this verse :

Under the exegis of this verse, Qadi Thanaullah Panipati writes ::"Imam Baghawi has deduced from this Aayat that masturbation is Haram.


Some hadith that are quoted to in support of masturbation being haram include:

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari includes :

Ibn Kathir has wrote in volume vol. 5 p. 458 :QuoteHadith|Hasan ibn Arfah|matn=Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'Seven persons are such that Allah will not look at them on the Day of Qiyaamat nor will He purify them nor will He include them among the learned and Allah will enter them into Jahannam. They will enter Jahannam first except for those who repent. As those who repent Allah will accept their repentance.
#A person who masturbates.
#A person who performs the act of sodomy.
#The person upon whom the act of sodomy is performed.
#A perpetual drunkard.
#The person who hits his parents so much that they appeal for help.
#The person who harms his neighbours so much so that they curse him.
#The person who commits adultery with his neighbour's wife.

"This is a Daeef(Weak) Hadith" [Musalma bin Jafar and his teacher Hassan bin Hameed both are Daeef(weak)]

Other quoted material include from Tafsir al-Mazhari vol. 12 p. 94:

Quoted from those after the Sahaba


Still, some legal schools of thought -- while agreeing that masturbation is essentially forbidden or at the very least extremely disliked -- allow for its permissibility through a legal principle of necessity, designating it as a last resort for unmarried individuals attempting to avoid succumbing to the greater sin of adultery.

presentScholar|Ibn al-Qayyim|14th|Sunni Bida al-Fawaid [] ] :

He then presents his own discussion on the conditions that make masturbation halaal :

Masturbation, like any form of sex in which seminal or vaginal fluids have been released, breaks one's fast if performed during the daylight hours and requires a major ablution if any seminal or vaginal fluids were released.

According to Sheikh Hamed Al-Ali Fact|date=February 2007:


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