Hollywood North

Hollywood North

"Hollywood North", an allusion to Hollywood, California, a notable film centre in the world, is a colloquialism used to describe film production industries and or film locations north of its namesake. The term has been applied principally to the film industry in Canada, specifically Vancouver and Toronto. It has also been occasionally used to refer to several California locations north of the original Hollywood, including San Francisco, [http://books.google.com/books?id=7aPMik4Zos8C&pg=PA29&lpg=PA29&dq=hollywood+north+san+francisco&source=web&ots=VlZcsLBZcx&sig=aeWHFZwMt9Mya7xQC0M4QZ5Apsk San Francisco" By Richard Sterling and Tom Downs ISBN-10: 1741041546; ISBN-13: 978-1741041545,Lonely Planet Publications] ] Silicon Valley, [http://www.siliconbeat.com/entries/2005/06/26/george_lucas_hollywood_north.html SiliconBeat: "George Lucas' Hollywood North" - Mercury News by Mary Anne Ostrom] ] [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/12/29/MNGPRGEIPU1.DTL&type=tech SF Gate.com San Francisco Chronical - "Google Team sets sights on big screen" by Verne Kopytoff] ] the Santa Barbara International Film Festival,cite web|url=http://www.indiewire.com/ots/onthescene_050214sbif.html|title=Hollywood North Comes of Age: The Twentieth Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival|author=D.J. Palladino|publisher=indieWIRE.com|accessdate=2007-02-10] and the Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah)."Entertainment Tonight" entertainment news show reference to Sundance as "Hollywood North" January 25th, 2007 show]


The term "Hollywood North", with regards to Canada has been in use as far back as 1981 [cite news|first=Judy|last=Steed|title=Pay Television|publisher=The Globe and Mail|date=8 September 1981|page= 7] and is the title of the book "Hollywood North: The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia".cite book| last = Gasher | first = Mike | title = Hollywood North: The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia | publisher = University of British Columbia Press | date = 2002 | location = Vancouver | id = ISBN 0-7748-0967-1] [cite web|url=http://www.siegelproductions.ca/filmfanatics/hollywood.htm|title=Hollywood|publisher=Lois Siegel|accessdate=2006-12-24] While the term is predominantly used in relation to Vancouver, British Columbiacite web|url=http://www.vancouverfilmstudios.com/history.html|title=History of Vancouver Film Studios|publisher=Vancouver Film Studios|accessdate=2007-02-10] [cite web|url=http://search.cbc.ca/search?ie=&site=CBC&output=xml_no_dtd&client=CBC&lr=&getfields=description&proxystylesheet=CBC&oe=&searchWeb=cbc&q=Hollywood+North|title=CBC: Searched for 'Hollywood North'|publisher=CBC News|accessdate=2007-01-02] [cite web|url=http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=%22Hollywood+North+Vancouver%22&btnG=Google+Search&meta=|title="Hollywood North Vancouver"|publisher=Google Inc.|accessdate=2007-01-01] [cite news|url=http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/1999/07/12/bcfilm990712.html|title='Hollywood North' to grow again|publisher=CBC News|date=Friday, November 10, 2000|accessdate=2007-01-02] and increasingly in recent years to Toronto, Ontario,cite web|url=http://wx.toronto.ca/inter/it/newsrel.nsf/0/a196b48a551afa4285256df600461208?OpenDocument|title=New numbers confirm Toronto's rank as Hollywood North|publisher=City of Toronto|accessdate=2007-01-01] [cite news|url = http://www.cbc.ca/arts/story/2004/03/09/quickhits090304.html|title=SARS costs for 'Hollywood North' and more|publisher=CBC News |date=Tuesday, March 9, 2004|accessdate=2007-01-01] [cite web|url=http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22Hollywood+North+Toronto%22&btnG=Search&meta=|title="Hollywood North Toronto"|publisher=Google Inc.|accessdate=2007-01-01] it is now common for the term to be used to describe the entire Canadian film industry.cite web|url=http://www41.statcan.ca/3955/ceb3955_003_e.htm|title=Hollywood North: The Canadian film industry|publisher=Statistics Canada|accessdate=2006-12-24] [cite news|url=http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2004/10/12/filmmaking041012.html|title=U.S. tax change may affect 'Hollywood North'|publisher=CBC News|date=October 12, 2004|accessdate=2007-01-02]


:"See also: ", ""

Nicknamed "Hollywood North" [Mike Gasher. "Hollywood North: The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia." Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2002. p. 8.] , Vancouver has been used as a filmmaking location for nearly a century, beginning with "The Cowpuncher's Glove" and "The Ship's Husband", both shot in 1910 by the Edison Manufacturing Company. [Ken MacIntyre. "Reel Vancouver." Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1996. p. 133.] As a production centre for feature films shot in British Columbia, it has led Canada's other cities for feature films since 1999. [cite web|url=http://www41.statcan.ca/3955/img/extra/ceb3955_003_6_e.gif|title=Foreign location production spending, British Columbia and Canada|publisher=Statistics Canada|accessdate=2007-01-02] [cite web|url=http://www.bcfilmcommission.com/smallbox4/file.php?sb456dd2b637924|title=Number of Productions 1993-2005|publisher=BC Film Commission|format = PDF| accessdate=2007-01-01] [cite web|url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/2000/02/08/bc_filmtax000208.html|title=Tax scare in Hollywood North|publisher=CBC News|accessdate=2007-01-01] In 2002, 75% of all Canadian foreign productions were based in British Columbia and Ontario. That same year British Columbia led the country in foreign film production receiving 44% of the Canadian total. Presently, Vancouver is North America's third-largest film centre, [cite web|title=Industry Profile|url=http://www.bcfilmcommission.com/about_us/industry_profile.htm|publisher=BC Film Commission|accessdate=2006-12-24] [cite web|url=http://www.film.bc.ca/|title=Film in BC, Canada|publisher=www.film.bc.ca|accessdate=2007-01-01] just after Los Angeles and New York.cite web|url=http://www.hollywoodnorthpr.com/industry.html|title=BC Film Industry|publisher=Hollywood North FilmNet|accessdate=2006-12-24] [cite web|title=Vancouver Film Industry|url=http://www.vancouver.com/movies/hollywood_north/vancouver_film_industry_overview/index.htm|publisher=Canada.com|accessdate=2006-12-24] [cite web|url=http://www.hollywoodnorthreport.com/about.php|title=About HNR|publisher=The Hollywood North Report|accessdate=2006-12-24] It is second to Los Angeles in television production in the world. [cite web|url=http://www.vancouver.hm/facts.html|title=Some 'useless' facts about Vancouver|publisher=Vancouver dot Travel|accessdate=2006-12-24]
Lions Gate Studios and Vancouver Film Studios are among the two largest special effects stages in Canada. VFS being the largest production facility outside of Los Angelescite web|url=http://www.vancouver.com/movies/hollywood_north/vancouver_film_industry_overview/index.htm|title=Vancouver Film Industry Overview & Links|publisher=Vancouver.com|accessdate=2007-02-10] ; Bridge Studios, in Burnaby, British Columbia, has one of the largest special effects stages in North America.

The BC Film Commission reported that in 2005, more than 200 productions were completed in B.C.: 63 feature films, 31 television series, 37 movies-of-the-week, 15 television pilots, 5 miniseries, 20 documentaries, 16 short films and 24 animation projects. [cite web|title=Mayor's Office Release|url=http://vancouver.ca/ctyclerk/councillors/mayor/announcements/2006/100306.htm|publisher=City of Vancouver|accessdate=2006-12-24] . In 2006, spending on film and TV production in B.C. was $1.228 Billion. . [cite web|url=http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/business/story.html?id=a9ff5b13-6c29-4cd5-b30c-25be092ce384&k=88313&p=1 | title=?] The city is also host to the Vancouver International Film Festival and the Vancouver Film and Television Forum.

Vancouver is 1,725 kilometres (1,072 miles) from Hollywood, a three hour airplane flight [cite web|url=http://www.orbitz.com/flight-info/MX/MX-YVR-LAX.html|title=Flights to Los Angeles (LAX) from Vancouver, Canada (YVR) on Mexicana|publisher=Orbitz, LLC.|accessdate=2007-02-10] or a two to three day drive. This relative proximity coupled with Canadian government subsidies is a major factor in the growth of Vancouver's production industry.cite news|url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/1998/04/24/bcfilm980424a.html|title=B.C. tries to build up Hollywood North|date=Friday, November 13, 1998|publisher=CBC News|accessdate=2007-02-10] Proximity reduces issues over operating hours, accessibility, travel time for principals, access to filmmaking infrastructure, and experience of crews.

Several books outline the evolution of the Vancouver production community, including "Hollywood North: The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia", "Dreaming in the Rain: How Vancouver Became Hollywood North by Northwest",cite book| last = Spaner | first = David | title = Dreaming in the Rain: How Vancouver Became Hollywood North by Northwest | publisher = Arsenal Pulp Press | date = 2004| location = Vancouver | id = ISBN 1551521296] and "Hollywood North: The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia: An article from: Business History Review". [cite book|last=Trumpbour|first=John|url=http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BED20U/|title=Hollywood North: The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia: An article from: Business History Review|publisher=Harvard Business School|date=September 30, 2003|accessdate=2006-12-24]


:"See also: , "

Hollywood's first joint effort with the Toronto acting and production scene was in 1957,Fact|date=September 2007 when the television series "Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans" was shot and produced in the city. [cite web|url=http://www.members.tripod.com/~JohnHart/starhawk.htm|title= Steve Jensen's Toronto Star archives for "Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans" (1956-1957)|accessdate=2007-09-18] Since 1985, Toronto has associated itself with the nickname 'Hollywood North', which originally designated Vancouver only. [cite news|url=http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_product=PI&s_site=philly&p_multi=PI&p_theme=realcities&p_action=search&p_maxdocs=200&p_topdoc=1&p_text_direct-0=0EB2996E78DA21BB&p_field_direct-0=document_id&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&s_trackval=GooglePM|title=Toronto has Earned a New Title|publisher=Philadelphia Inquirer|date=May 26, 1985|accessdate=2007-02-13] Toronto ranks third in film and television production in North America [cite web|url=http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/worldmap/cg/news.asp|title=The news from home|publisher=Canadian Geographic|accessdate=2007-02-09] and ranks second as an exporter of television programming in North America. [cite web|url=http://www.toronto.ca/toronto_facts/art_culture.htm|title=Toronto Facts|publisher=City of Toronto|accessdate=2007-01-14] . Toronto is the home base for Alliance Atlantis, the largest distibution company in Canada, [cite web|url=http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/47/47787.html|title=Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc. Company Profile|publisher=Yahoo.com|accessdate=2007-02-10] , which distributes films and television across all of North America and parts of Europe. [cite web|url=http://www.busadm.mu.edu/aim/documents/AIM_Advisory_Board_Meeting_Sept_21_2006.pdf|title=Marquette University (AIM) Program|publisher=Marquette university|accessdate=2007-02-10] Toronto is also the headquarters of Nelvana, the largest animation company in Canada and one of the largest animation/children's entertainment studios in the world.

Filmport is a major film studio project in Toronto, Canada that's expected to open March, 2008.cite web|url=http://www.hollywoodnorthreport.com/article.php?Article=5146 |title= (www.hollywoodnorthreport.com) "Ontario Liberals Boosting Film/ TV Tax Credits."|accessdate=2008-02-04] When completed it will be the largest film studio in the city, capable of accommodating large blockbuster movies that previously could not film in Toronto. It features the largest soundstage in the world, 4,000 square metres.cite web|url=http://www.filmport.ca/ |title=Official site: FILMPORT|accessdate=2008-02-04] cite web|url=http://torontoist.com/2007/07/filmport.php |title=Torontoist: "Curtain Rising On New Film Megastudio."|accessdate=2008-02-04] cite web|url=http://www.toronto.ca/tobusiness/2007-august.htm#story6 |title= Toronto Economic Development Corporation: "FILMPORT to include largest sound-stage in North America."|accessdate=2008-02-04]

The Toronto Film and Television Office reported that in 2005 some 200 productions were completed in Toronto: 39 features, and 44 movies made for television, 84 television series, 11 television specials, and 22 MOW's (movies of the week). [cite web|url=http://www.toronto.ca/tfto/pdf/stats_2000_to_2005.pdf|title=TFTO Statistical Chart|format = PDF|publisher=City of Toronto|accessdate=2007-01-14] The Toronto Film and Television Office issued 4,154 location filming permits for 1,258 projects totalling 7,319 days of shooting. [citeweb|url=http://www.toronto.ca/tfto/stats.htm|title=A snapshot: film, television, commercial and music video production in Toronto|publisher=City of Toronto|accessdate=2007-01-15] Ontario is the only Canadian province to have an office in Los Angeles: the Toronto Ontario Film Office. [cite web|url=http://www.mediacom.keio.ac.jp/publication/pdf2006/review28/02_Minoru%20SUGAYA.pdf|title=The Development of Film Policy in Canada and Japan-Pg.11|format = PDF|publisher=Keio Communications|accessdate=2007-01-15] [cite web|url=http://aol.where.ca/toronto/feature/111/|title=The Right Move:Relocating to Toronto|publisher=AOL cityguide|accessdate=2007-01-15]

In addition to being a productions centre, Toronto is the home to the Toronto International Film Festival, the largest film festival in North America and second only to the Cannes festival globally. [cite news|last=Tobias|first=Scott|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/4513373.stm|title=Film Festival Guide |publisher=BBC NEWS|date=May, 2005|accessdate=2007-02-08] It attracts numerous high-profile actors and film makers form around the globe to premiere their Films in Toronto and is generally considered the point to which the Oscar races begin. [cite web|url=http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040912/FILMFESTIVALS03/409120303|publisher=Roger Ebert.com|title=Toronto fires starter's gun for Oscar race|accessdate=2007-02-01] [cite news|url=http://theenvelope.latimes.com/awards/oscars/env-oneiltorontoroundup-18sep18,0,5735401.story?coll=env-home-headlines&track=mostviewed-storylevel|publisher=LA Times|title=Top Oscar rivals emerge from Toronto|date=September 18, 2006|first=Tom |last=O'Neil|accessdate=2007-02-09]

Toronto is home to Canada's Walk of Fame, based on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, albeit honouring notable Canadians.

Former Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman proclaimed Toronto as being "Hollywood North" in 2002, [cite news|url=http://wx.toronto.ca/inter/it/newsrel.nsf/0/a196b48a551afa4285256df600461208?OpenDocument|title=New numbers confirm Toronto's rank as Hollywood North|publisher=Access Toronto|date=February 6, 2001|accessdate=2002-02-06] the same year which Toronto's film and television production industry accounted for $1.16 billion towards the city's economy. [cite web|url=http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/2003/agendas/committees/edp/edp030324/it009.pdf|title=Toronto Staff Report|format = PDF|publisher=City of Toronto|accessdate=2003-02-27] However, in 2006, film and TV spending in Ontario was only $888 million. [ [http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/business/story.html?id=a9ff5b13-6c29-4cd5-b30c-25be092ce384&k=88313&p=2 Foreign filmmakers flocking to B.C ] ]

Toronto's media outlets include CBC Television, MTV, MuchMusic, YTV, and "Entertainment Tonight". Toronto usually hosts the Gemini Awards, and between 1970 and 2006, Toronto has hosted 28 of the 36 Juno Awards.

an Francisco and the Bay Area

The City of San Francisco has been used as a shooting location at least as far back as "Illustrated Photographs in Motion" was filmed there in 1880. Several other early documentary films feature films have been shot there in the years since.cite web|url=http://www.filminamerica.com/PacificNorthwest/NCA/SanFrancisco/|title=Northern California Movies|publisher=Film in America|accessdate=2007-02-10] San Francisco and the Bay Area have had a vibrant filmmaking community ever since, hosting several notable filmmakers including George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Wayne Wang, Saul Zaentz, and their respective movie studios and production companies. San Francisco was also a favorite shooting location for master film director Alfred Hitchcock, who filmed "The Birds" [cite web|url=http://www.filminamerica.com/Movies/TheBirds/ |title=NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Filming Locations - The Birds|publisher=Film in America|accessdate=2007-02-10] and "Vertigo" cite web|url=http://www.filminamerica.com/Movies/Vertigo/|title=NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Filming Locations - Vertigo|publisher=Film in America|accessdate=2007-02-10] in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Movie and special effects studios in the San Francisco Bay Area include George Lucas' Lucasfilm, visual effects masters Industrial Light & Magic, and Lucas' Skywalker Ranch, as well as Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope, The Saul Zaentz Film Center in Berkeley, Matte World Digital, The Orphanage, Giant Killer Robots, Disney's and John Lasseter's Pixar animation studios, and PDI/Dreamworks.

Since 1957 San Francisco has been the home of the San Francisco International Film Festival, the longest-running and first international film festival on the North American continent.cite web|url=http://fest06.sffs.org/about/|title=About|publisher=San Francisco Film Society|date=2006|accessdate=2007-02-10] cite web|url=http://history.sffs.org/our_history/how_sfiff_started.php|title=HOW THE SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL STARTED|author=Traude Gómez|publisher=San Francisco Film Society|date=2006|accessdate=2007-02-10] The first San Francisco International Film Festival hosted films by Satyajit Ray, Luchino Visconti, and Michelangelo Antonioni among others.

ee also

*List of filming locations in and around Vancouver
*List of films filmed in Toronto
*List of films set in Toronto
*List of films set in San Francisco
*Cinema of Canada
*Canadian pioneers in early Hollywood
*Runaway production


External links

* [http://vancouver.ca/ Vancouver.ca] - City of Vancouver
* [http://www.bcfilmcommission.com/ Main Page] - BC Film Commission
* [http://www.toronto.ca/tfto/index.htm Toronto Film and Television Office] - City of Toronto
* [http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-68-1150/arts_entertainment/canadian_content/ Ruling the Airwaves: The CRTC and Canadian Content] - CBC Digital Archives
* [http://www.cinematheque.bc.ca/sept_oct_06/turner.html Robert Altman's Vancouver] - Pacific Cinémathèque
* [http://www.hollywoodnorthreport.com HNR - Hollywood North Report] - Hollywood North Report - News and Reviews

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