Highest-income ZCTAs in the United States

Highest-income ZCTAs in the United States

The following is a list of the highest-income ZCTAs in the United States. ZCTAs, or Zip Code Tabulation Areas, are the census equivalent of Zip Codes used for statistical purposes. The reason why regular Zip Codes are not used is because they are defined by routes rather than geographic boundaries. Therefore, they have the tendency to overlap and otherwise create difficulties. Note that Zip Code Tabulations are "not" exact, they are only near approximations. [ [http://www.forbes.com/2005/04/25/cx_sc_0426homeslide_8.html Most Expensive ZIP Codes 2005] , accessed September 26, 2006.]

ZCTAs ranked by median household income

ZCTAs with median household incomes in excess of $200,000

ZCTAs ranked by per capita income

ee also

*Personal income in the United States
*Household income in the United States


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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