

Vergeltungswaffe (German for "retaliatory weapon", "reprisal weapon" or "vengeance weapon") was a term assigned during World War II by the Nazis to a number of revolutionary superweapons, the V-1 flying bomb, the V-2 rocket and the V-3 cannon.

As early as a 28 June 1940 meeting of Army Ordnance chief Leebe and Walther von Brauchitsch, a terror bombing rationale had been advanced for the A-4 rocket.cite book
last = Neufeld
first = Michael J
title = The Rocket and the Reich: Peenemünde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era
year = 1995
publisher = The Free Press
location =New York
isbn =
pages = p137,237
] However, on 24 June 1944 Joseph Goebbels' official Propagandaministerium announcement of the Vergeltungswaffe 1 implied there would be more such weapons.cite book
last = Johnson
first =
title = V-1, V-2: Hitler’s Vengeance on London
year = 1981/1982
publisher = Stein and Day
pages = p20,68
] cite book
last = Huzel
first = Dieter K
title = Peenemünde to Canaveral
year = 1960
publisher = Prentice Hall
location = Englewood Cliffs NJ
pages = p80
] After the first operational launch in September 1944, the V-2 rocket was promptly dubbed Vergeltungswaffe 2 in official circles,cite book
last = Irving
first = David
authorlink = David Irving
title = The Mare's Nest
year = 1964
publisher = William Kimber and Co
location = London
pages = p288
] although no one knows exactly who gave it this name.cite book
last = Klee
first = Ernst
authorlink = Ernst Klee
coauthors = Merk, Otto
title = The Birth of the Missile:The Secrets of Peenemünde
year = 1963, English translation 1965
publisher = Gerhard Stalling Verlag
location = Hamburg
pages = p47
] The rocket manual distributed to batteries in late August 1944 refers to the rocket as the A-4.cite book
last = McGovern
first = J
title = Crossbow and Overcast
year = 1964
publisher = W. Morrow
location = New York
pages = p80

The letter V was also used for Versuchsmuster (experimental) [cite book
last = Hinsley
first = FH
title = British Intelligence in the Second World War
year = 1993
publisher = HMSO
location = London
isbn = 011 6309 563


The V1 was the first guided missile used in war and the forerunner of today's cruise missile. The V-1 was developed at Peenemünde by the German Luftwaffe during the Second World War. Between June 1944 and 29 March 1945, around 8,000 V1s were fired at targets in southeastern England (mostly London) and Belgium (mostly Antwerp). V-1s were launched from "ski-jump" launch sites along the French (Pas-de-Calais) and Dutch coasts until the sites were overrun by Allied forces. Mobile launchers were also used.

The V-1 was designed by Robert Lussar of the Fieseler company and Fritz Gosslau from the Argus engine works, with a fuselage constructed mainly of welded sheet steel and wings built similarly or of plywood. The simple Pulse jet engine pulsed 50 times per second, and the characteristic buzzing sound gave rise to the colloquial names "buzz bomb" or "doodlebug" (after an Australian insect).


The V-2 Rocket (German: Vergeltungswaffe 2) was the first ballistic missile and first man-made object launched into space, the progenitor of all modern rockets. Over 3,000 V-2s were launched by the German Wehrmacht against Allied targets in World War II.

The V2 was designed by Wernher von Braun and Walter Riedel as part of the Aggregate series of rockets. The three key technologies for the V2 were liquid-fuel rocket engines, supersonic aerodynamics, and guidance and control.


The V-3 cannon was not a single cannon but an underground complex of 25 guns, designed to fire shells at London from its site at Mimoyecques, France. The "London gun" consisted of five shafts each containing five 500-foot-long barrels, side by side.

Before it became operational, the complex at Mimoyecques was attacked by the Royal Air Force on 6 July 1944, with Tallboy bombs. One Tallboy ripped a corner off the 20-foot-thick concrete roof and completely blocked one of the gun shafts. A near miss collapsed another shaft and made a third shaft unfit to use. After this event the Germans stopped working on the complex. [ [ V-3 ] ]

V-Weapons effect

Intended to turn the war back in Germany's favour, the accuracy and hence the military effectiveness of the V weapons was low. They did, however, have an important psychological effect both in Germany and in the countries attacked with them.

Economics of the V-Weapons

Historians have suggested that the huge resources diverted from conventional forces to the V weapon programs at Hitler's insistence contributed to the defeat of Nazi Germany; e.g. the 11,000 tons of (low grade) petrol needed for 20,000 V-1s could have been used in German tanks immobilised by lack of fuel. The V-2 project was limited by Germany’s maximum ethanol (ethyl alcohol) production of 30,000 tons per annum, although some methanol was added to eke it out. Germany was also so short of explosives that they were being diluted with rock salt. Professor Willi Messerschmitt told Hitler in June 1943 that unless 80,000 to 100,000 V-weapons "per month" could be achieved, the entire program should be scrapped, as even 50% of that would be ineffective.cite book |last=Irons|first=Roy|title=Hitler's Terror Weapons: The Price of Vengeance|year=2003|publisher=Harpersport|isbn=0007112637|pages=p166-169]

One estimate is that the V-2 project cost two billion marks, and this amount was comparable (at 4.2 marks to the dollar) to the proportion of the Allied economies spent on the Manhattan Project, though the actual expenditure on the atom bomb was more than four times as much because of the much larger Allied economic base. Holsken however cited an American estimate that the total cost for the V-1 & V-2 (mainly for the V-2) was 3 billion dollars (or 7.5 billion reichmarks at the 1940 rate of 2.49 marks to the dollar). [ Holsken, Dieter V "Missiles of the Third Reich" (1994, Monogram Aviation Publications Sturbridge) page 248 ]

Military Effectiveness

Hitler believed that the V-weapons would turn the tide of the war by devastating London and forcing Britain's withdrawal from the war. However, the countermeasures that the V-1 had to face (anti-aircraft guns on the south coast of England and RAF fighters) proved effective.

The V-2 was unstoppable with the technology of the time, and was used to target London, the Netherlands and Paris. But to be effective, the V-2 "had either to be much bigger, much more numerous or much more accurate - perhaps all three".

ee also

*Amerika Bomber
*Terror bombing
*Aggregate series


External links

* [ Astronautix V-2]
* [ V-Weapons (Crossbow) Campaign, The United States Strategic Bombing Survey]

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